Monday, June 25, 2007

Where were you Mr Mistry ???

It was Rishabh who came to my rescue !

If you are on a social sabbatical , the usual protocol is that the society demands an explanation for your absence and sometimes a reason for your return. No , I didnt flunk my exam and run away from home..this sabbatical was the one where I did not blog while I got married , changed a couple of jobs , got to know that I was going to become a father , entered the labour room & became one to a handsome boy just before our first marriage anniversary ! So while I was thinking of a reason for my absence and return , Rishabh introduced me to a refreshingly new communication protocol rarely used in society.

Rishabh is 3 and is just picking up his language skills. He is reached the stage where you just repeat whatever everyone says and the others are supposed to decipher your speech.

So Rishabh kept asking me , " What do you want ? "

I said , "Nothing!"

"What do you want ?"

"Nothing Rishabh beta"

After a few more attempts he went to his mother who understood the protocol pretty well.

"What do you want ?" , Rishabh once again.

"What do you want ?" his mother replied.

"Apple" Rishabh was relieved.

His mother told me , " He cant say 'I want apple'"

Well , Where were you Mr. Mistry ???

Hope to blog regularly !!


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back !!

ajitomatix said...

bapase beta sawai :)

keep blogging KJ!

Shivali said...

Finally, a moment of relief for the readership. Willkommen :)

ams said...

welcome back... now we have 2 parent-bloggers among us :)

Risha said...

Finaaaaaaaaaalyyyyyyyy you are back :) Good to see you back!!