Thursday, January 19, 2006

Rare revelations

I got married last month.

Much to the dismay of many gamblers, I did so without goofing up. So all those who placed their money on...
1> me freaking out & not turning up OR
2> me misplacing the garland
were pretty disappointed considering that stakes were pretty high when I goofed up
a week before my marriage - I went on stage to congratulate an acquaintance on his wedding and something on the lines of 'Congratulations Pankaj' came out (His name was Ashish). Soon after I did invite Ashish for our wedding , I am wondering why he didn't turn up. Marriage day is also a day before the day you realise that you forgot to invite some people who really should have been there. My sincere apologies for the same.

My wedding was also a hunting ground for the foundation of other marriages like
my friend Tipul who came all the way from San Hosay to ask 'Who's the girl in purple?' before saying 'Congratulations'. A week later when the huge photo albums came in , I even overheard an old aunt who was bride hunting for someone ask ,

'Whos this one in red?'

'Hmmm...The red my WIFE. Thank You Very Much'

Those couple of days were great fun. Before I got married many ideas about post wedding were propagated to freak me out but this one ironically laid all my fears to rest.One said...'Imagine you wake up in the night and there is this girl sleeping next to you'. I imagined and have slept peacefully since.(TT...Not because I am the one who snores).

All said and done , I have one more thing to take care of...Raju.
Brides Wanted: The girl in purple , where are you ?

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