Thursday, September 23, 2004

Trends - 'Chitale' please catch up !

I hope you understand why I am never there for lunch although I have post and pre lunch sessions in the Cafe.

In the times to come...

California News

Research is going on to get low fat milk from cows directly to cut costs involved in processing units in a university in Santa Clara.Cows will be doing Yoga (that seems the IN thing here) , Tai Chi(have no clue) and offcourse the rounds on treadmills. Grass eaten by cows mite be non-green BUT will be low carb and nutritious.

WARNING: Poets should think twice before using the phrase 'green grass' or attach a disclaimer in BOLD letters. Failing to do so , might spread misconceptions about color of grass(read as you will be 'sued').

Mom , I might have developed a taste for Boiled Tomatoes in Olive oil.

Coming up...Growing Decaff Coffee beans!

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